CANNOVEX receives EUR 0.5 million grant for development of nanofibrous films for transmucosal uptake of cannabinoids.
Diepenbeek, Belgium, 14 October 2020 – Cannovex BV (the ‘Company’ or ‘Cannovex), a developer of cannabinoid-based medicines today announces that it has been awarded a EUR 0.5 million development grant from VLAIO, the Flanders organization for Innovation & Entrepreneurship. The grant will run over two years and will support the development of nanofibrous films for…
CANNOVEX ontvangt EUR 0.5 miljoen subsidie van VLAIO voor de ontwikkeling van nanovezel films voor transmucosale opname van cannabinoiden.
Diepenbeek, België, 14 oktober 2020 – Cannovex BV (de ‘Vennootschap of ‘Cannovex’), een ontwikkelaar van cannabinoïde gebaseerde geneesmiddelen kondigt vandaag aan dat het een ontwikkelingssteun ontvangt van EUR 0.5 miljoen van VLAIO, het Vlaams Agentschap Innoveren & Ondernemen. De subsidie zal over twee jaren gespreid worden en de ontwikkeling van nanovezel films ondersteunen voor de…
“We will provide a solution to the opioid crisis” – Trends Magazine – (article in Dutch)
The 4-page article about Cannovex appeared in the edition of Trends Magazine on Thursday 30th April 2020. The article is about how Cannovex will develop new cannabinoid-based medicines with a focus on combating the current opioid crisis. Cannovex CEO, Mr. Steven Peters, shares his vision on the development of cannabinoid-based medicines in Belgium and Europe…
Cannabis Agency Adopted Almost Unanimously in Parliamentary Committee
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Medical cannabis: MEPs call for EU-wide rules and more research
The European Parliament is calling for an EU-wide policy for medical cannabis and properly funded scientific research. Several EU countries have legalised the medical use of some form of cannabis or cannabinoids or are considering changes to their legislation. However, the rules on which products are allowed and how they should be used vary widely,…
Take medical use of cannabis seriously, say MEPs
MEPs will debate ways to address research gaps on medical cannabis with the European Commission, and adopt a resolution on Wednesday. MEPs will quiz the Commission on how the EU could support quality research on cannabis-based medicines and establish standards for non-pharmaceutical medical cannabis to ensure consumer safety. The draft resolution stresses the need for…
Limburg May Have First Therapeutic Cannabis Plantation
The Limburg company Rendocan would like to legally produce five tonnes of therapeutic cannabis per year in Kinrooi, not far from the Dutch border. De Tijd et L’Echo are reporting on Friday that to achieve the end, the current legal framework needs to be adapted. A current study by the department for the Minister of…
Will Kinrooi Become the Mecca of Medicinal Cannabis in Belgium?
The Federal Agency for Medicines and Health Products (FAMHP) has received anapplication to allow the establishment of a large R&D facility to perform large-scale research into medicinal cannabis in the town of Kinrooi in the provence of Limburg. If this research facility can be established, it will generate approximately 500 to 800 new jobs. The suppression of spasticity in…
Rendocan Signs Partnership with University of Hasselt
Rendocan has entered in a partnership with the University of Hasselt. Various departments (Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Statistics, Biomedical Sciences, Healthcare, etc.) expressed their intent to form a strategic partnership with Rendocan, to expand their knowledge about the cannabis plant and how it and its components may be used to alliviate symptoms of specific diseases.…